
The files expired

Please ask TreeBeard to save the files again.

Use TreeBeard in ChatGPT


Or in a conversation with
@treebeard can you pack this?

More examples
How does it work?

When you talk to (or invite) TreeBeard in a conversation with ChatGPT, TreeBeard can find the information in the conversation that needs to be turned into files you ask it to save. You can download the files later using the link provided. No more copy-pasting, just ask TreeBeard to pack the information, then click the link, then download the files.

Creates a temporary folder structure

When you use TreeBeard, it creates a serialzed JSON format of the files found in the conversation. This will be posted and avaiable online for 10 mins. The files will be available via a unique longer URL that TreeBeard will give you in the conversation.

How to use me with ChatGPT?

With ChatGPT, find the CustomGPT called 'TreeBeard'. Invite TreeBeard into a conversation that contains information that you want to turn into saveable files. TreeBeard will save the files and provide you with a link to download them.

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Do not ask TreeBeard to save sensitive information or information that you are not already okay with sharing with OpenAI via ChatGPT.